Welcome to PureLamersHQ
This is a lite version. The old pages were outdated, and (believe it or not) this is the new PureLamersHQ ! It is still far from completion, so here are these temporary pages.
These pages will be entirely dedicated to [Karate], a marvelous demo making language by Krabob, and all our projects related to this, including our own [demos], and our highly anticipated Karate editor, [Kimono].
- 2012.10.13
- Opening of these new (new) pages.
- 2006.10.29
- Clac Clac Clac we're bic with StarTruk-Cow Do you Really Think You Are, our entry for Alchimie 6 code compo... look at this temporary "party version" while waiting for a more stylish edited version (let's open the bet : how much will we make you wait ?).
This one requires lots of memory (around 38 Mo).
- 2006.10.29 Back from the dead a.k.a. the Cyalys update
- AT LAST !! The EDITED version of Colorblind, our entry for Alchimie 4 code compo, is FINALLY available !! NO ADDITIONNAL info in this OUTDATED [readme]. Wait a little more time for some more recent demos/updates.
More news : added Kimono snapshots (Yeah ! this web site rulez !).
More news : Karate has been updated to v1.2 since last update.
- 2004.12.12
- At last !! The party version of Colorblind, our entry for Alchimie 4 code compo, is available !! More info in this [readme]. Check here regularly for the final version.
- 2004.07.07
- Big news !! Karate 1.00 is available at all good stores !! Therefore, Commands.guide as been updated.
- 2004.07.02
- Commands0.99.guide is available in the [Karate/downloads] section.
- 2004.06.30
- Posted snapshots of version 0.3.20040625 of [Kimono]
- 2004.06.28
- Upload of all the [demos] is complete (this dumb PC s*cked completely the first upload).
- 2004.06.26
- Opening of these new pages.